+41 31 312 27 54



About us


Established in 2003, VAT plus offers legal support in the field of customs law, indirect taxation and international trade law to foreign companies with business activities in Switzerland or involved in transactions that touch upon Swiss regulations.

VAT plus' mission

The exclusive focus on foreign companies with business activities in Switzerland distincts VAT plus from other market players. Long year experience and an international background make that we are familiar with the issues with which foreign companies are faced when expanding their activities to other countries.

VAT plus focuses on offering foreign companies high level legal and compliance support, without doing short to their legal rights and obligations, nor to the interests of the Swiss authorities.

Discussions and critical thinking or reflection are not shunned. Where appropriate our experiences are shared and dicussed with the competent authorities of other countries or international organisations.

See also our approach and our information for customs agents (or similar).

bio Reginald Derks

Reginald Derks

Company founder

After university study and working 8 years in The Netherlands, Reginald moved to Switzerland to work as indirect tax (VAT, customs) consultant before fouding VAT plus.