+41 31 312 27 54



Data protection information

In general

VAT plus and its employees are committed to data protection.

The data is collected in accordance with data protection regulations and processed for a specific purpose. The data collected when you contact us and when a client relationship is established will not be used for advertising or other commercial activities without your separate, specific consent.

VAT plus does not use the communication medium "news letter". Therefore, if you receive by email a news letter that allegedly should come from VAT plus, you are advised to ignore and immediately delete such email.

Collection, processing and use of your data when you visit the website

For technical reasons, the web server of VAT plus' website collects the data that your Internet service provider and the browser you use automatically transmit by means of http headers when you access the website.

These are regularly:

  • - the name of your internet service provider
  • - the IP address assigned to you
  • - the address of the Internet page from which you visit the website
  • - the subpages of the website you have visited and
  • - the date and duration of your visit to the website.

Collection, processing and use of your data when contacting us to establish a mandate

§ 1

VAT plus offers you the option of contacting us by email or using the contact form on this website. You can contact us by providing your name and e-mail address. Please note that, for technical reasons, your personal data and the information on the matter which we are to process and examine for legal advice can theoretically be read by our provider.

§ 2

VAT plus will initially store your contact enquiry as a client enquiry and, if you subsequently instruct VAT plus to represent your interests, we will store and process your contact enquiry and the personal data collected for the purpose of processing the mandate electronically.

§ 3

When contacting us electronically for the first time, please indicate if you do not wish us to contact you electronically in the client relationship.

This information is not linked to any other information that could identify you personally.

Disclosure of your personal data to third parties

§ 1

VAT plus will only pass on your personal data to third parties for the purposes of processing the mandate. Otherwise, data will only be passed on to third parties if you have previously given your express consent separately or if there is a legal obligation to pass on data. If you have given your consent, you can revoke it at any time with effect for the future by simply sending us an email.

Third parties to which VAT plus will pass on your personal data are typically tax, customs or other public authorities. In the scope of debt collection VAT plus will pass information to third parties that are needed in the scope of debt collection and/or legal procedures.

§ 2

Your data will be processed by third parties on our behalf as part of order data processing. We use our provider and our system as service providers for the technical processing of our electronic communication and the provision of this website.


§ 1

When you first visit our website from one of your end devices, cookies may be loaded onto your computer when you use the website. 

§ 2

Cookies and flash cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that are transferred to your computer's hard drive when you visit our website. They enable your browser to be recognised when you visit the website at a later date and are primarily used to make your online visit more pleasant and individual. Cookies make it possible to recognise you as a specific user and to save your preferences when using the website. The main advantage of this for you is that you do not have to re-enter the information contained in the cookies each time you visit the website.

§ 3

Session cookies do not require your prior consent, as they are deleted after you leave the website. They enable you to use some essential functions of our website, so we recommend that you set your browser in such a way that cookies are not automatically rejected, but that you can decide this on a case-by-case basis. VAT plus would like to point out that some areas of the website may not function properly if your browser is set to refuse the acceptance of cookies or similar mechanisms.

§ 4

You can switch off the use of cookies completely in the settings of your browser programme. The help function in the menu bar of most web browsers explains how to set up your browser so that new cookies are never accepted, cookies are only set after notification and by you or are always set automatically. You can switch off or delete functions by changing the settings of the browser add-on or via the website of the browser add-on manufacturer.

Use of data in connection with social networks

§ 1

On this website you will find references to so-called "social networks". We have set up these social links in such a way that you will be transferred to the particular social network when you click the corresponding. The link seting is not to be associated with a recommendation on our part, nor do we check the use of your data by the providers of the social networks.

§ 2

If you activate a social plug-in on our website, a direct connection to the technical systems of the respective provider is established via your browser, so that the content displayed in the social plug-in is transmitted directly from the respective provider to your browser and integrated into the website. In addition, the social plug-in transmits the information to the respective provider that the corresponding page of our website has been accessed via your browser. If you actively use the social plug-in through the comment or recommendation buttons offered, this is also transmitted to the respective provider via the social plug-in and stored there.

Duration of storage and information

§ 1

VAT plus will not store your data for longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in these data protection provisions.

§ 2

Information that in the scope of compliance with tax law, company law or similar regulations has been processed will, in accordance with Swiss law, be stored for at least 10 years respectively 20 years (if relating to real estate). Requests for deletion of such information will be rejected by VAT plus.